Infraclass: Eutheria

Infraclass: Eutheria


Order Representative Animals
Artiodactyla cattles, sheep, pigs, deer, giraffs
Carnivora cats, dogs
Cetacea whales, dorphins, porpoises
Chiroptera bats
Dermoptera flying lemurs
Edentata sloths, armadillos, anteaters
Hyracoidea conies
Insectivora moles, hedgehogs, shrews
Lagomorpha rabbits
Perissodactyla horses, zebras, tapirs, rhinoceroses
Pholidota pangolins
Primate humans
Proboscidea Asian/African elephants(f. Elephantidae)
Rodentia rats, squirrels
Scandentia tree shrews
Sirenia sea cows, manatees
Tubulidertata aardvarks

Animals of order: Perissodactyla have even hoofs and odd hoofs in the order: Artiodactyla.